Online Store Closed - Reopening September

Natural Felted Wool Soap

Natural Felted Wool Soap

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Triple milled soap made from plant oil and extracts, wrapped in NZ Corriedale sheep wool by Bruntwood Lane. Corriedale wool is mildly abrasive, making it perfect for light exfoliation. In addition, wool is both a natural anti-fungal and anti-microbial.

Felting naturally occurs as the soap is used. The lather from triple milled soap is rich and aromatic as it permeates through the protective wool casing. Triple milling combined with the felted sleeve makes the bars last far longer than any naked bar.

Once completely used, the remaining felted wool pad can be used as a small exfoliating pad and eventually disposed of in your home composting.

Available in Berry Crush, Coconut & Vanilla, Frangipani, French Pear, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lime Blossom, Mango Butter, Manuka Honey, and Sandalwood.

See our 'useful information' page for instructions and tips on how to get the most out of your felted soap.

Made from local and imported ingredients.